

I wish Haruma had met Dr,Nakamura

I had the oppotunity to meet Haruma, but I couldn’t do anything to help. Above all, I was not able to listen to Haruma’s worries..

I was indebted to Haruma’s fans for the screening of the film about Tomoatsu Godai. I have not been able to repay them in any way. I was not even able to listen to Haruma’s suffering in life.

Japan has introduced capitalism and the principle of self-determination and self-responsibility into every aspect of daily life, and the only way to measure one’s own happiness is to compete with others for wealth, even in the world of education they teach so.

In order to establish a democratic state, it is essential for people to learn the value of equality, but the media has led the way in destroying the rural, family and local communities where equality can be learned.

It is painful and lonely to live among these people.

However Dr. Satoshi Nakamura confronted alone economic supremacy that is disregarding until he was killed by a bullet on December 4, 2019.

I wish they had met.

And I wanted Dr Nakamura to teach Harua and  me how to live.

Brighten the World in Your Corner

February 7, 2021

Minoru Hirota, Chairman of the Tomoatsu Godai Film Production Committee


  • 製作者:廣田 稔  製作委員会プロデューサー:鈴木 トシ子
  • 映画製作委員会:五代友厚プロジェクト、鹿児島テレビ放送、奈良新聞社、クリエイターズユニオン、廣田稔法律事務所
  • 出資者:製作委員(個人、団体多数
  • 製作会社:クリエイターズユニオン
  • 後援:大阪商工会議所、鹿児島商工会議所、大阪天満宮、公益財団法人 大阪観光局(予定)